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Humor dr SF Lounge. Pikiran Bocah doyan ML


Guru Semprot
6 Feb 2014
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Di antara bongkahan pantat
Permisi buat suhu2 dimari, ane cuma berusaha ngehibur aja... Syukur2 bisa bikin suhu senyum n kasih grp...

There's a new teacher in a school.

Teacher: "what is the opposite of laughing?"
Student: "Making Love"
Teacher: "What?? why is that?"
Student: "Laughing is ha..ha...ha..., but making love is ah..ah...ah...."

Curiously, the teacher ask another question: "What is the opposite of crying?"
The same student:"making love madam"
Teacher: "Again??? Now will you explain why you keep answering with "that" again??"
Student: "Crying is, but making love is uh..uh..uh..".

Anxiously, the teacher ask another quetion: "what is the opposite of santa claus?"
The same student: "making love madam..."
Teacher: "what a bloody nasty kid... now tell me what your reason is??"
Student: "when santa came up, he always say ho..ho..ho.., but making love is oh..oh..oh..."

Maaf klo salah kamar, nubi cuma pengen bisa menghibur suhu2 dimari..
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