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One Step Closer tu Su-35BM


Senpai Semprot
26 Sep 2010
Like diterima
Kab. Bogor, Bekasi, Jakarta
Rosoboronexport and Indonesia are negotiating deliveries of a batch of Su-35 jets, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Deputy CEO of the company, Sergey Goreslavskiy.

Goreslavskiy was the head of Rosoboronexport’s delegation at Aero India-2015 airshow held in Bangalore.

“We are negotiating with Indonesian specialists. However, it is too early to discuss the quantity of jets and a date for signing the deal,” Goreslavskiy said.

He reminded that recently the Commander-in-Chief of Indonesian Air Forces, Agus Supriatna, said: “Su-35 jets meet all the requirements of the national air forces”

Lama banget ya, keputusannya.

Masih tahap Negosiasi, denger2 kalo jadi ambil SU-35, cuman dapet 12 unit itu juga belum tau lengkap dengan cantelannya apa ngga.
Anda tau berapa budget anggaran buat penggantian F-5 ?.

Harga SU-35 itu perunitnya 45 - 65 juta dolar, kalo ambil 24 jadinya 1 - 1,5 milyar dolar, itu masih kosongan loh.

Kita juga masih ada kebutuhan buat ngisi skuadron 19 dan 20.
Berarti kita kalo jadi beli SU 35 bakal kosongan ya gan? Emang sisa kredit ekspor rusia masih ada berapa gan ?
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