Calon Suhu Semprot
"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain speaking.
Welcoming both seated and standing passengers on board of Liong Air.
We apologize for the four-day delay in taking off, it was due to bad weather and some overtime I had to put in at the bakery.
This is flight 717 to Yogyakarta . Landing there is not guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in Central Java . And, if luck is in our favor, we may even be landing on your village!
Liong Air has an excellent safety-record. In fact, our safety standards are so high, that even terrorists are afraid to fly with us!
It is with pleasure; I announce that, starting this year, over 30% of our passengers have reached their destination.
If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can arrange to turn them off !
For our not-so-religious passengers, we are the only airline who can help you find out if there really is a God!
We regret to inform you, that today's in-flight movie will not be shown as we forgot to record it from the television.
However, for our movie buffs, we will be flying right next to Garuda Indonesia Airways, where their movie will be visible from the right side of the cabin window.
There is no smoking allowed in this airplane. Any smoke you see in the cabin is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to slow down!
In order to catch important landmarks, we try to fly as close as possible for the best view. If however, we go a little too close, do let us know.
Our enthusiastic co-pilot sometimes flies right through the landmark!
Kindly be seated, keep your seat in an upright position for take-off and fasten your seat-belt. For those of you who can't find a seat-belt, kindly fasten your own belt to the arm of your seat. And, for those of you who can't find a seat, do not hesitate to get in touch with a stewardess who will explain how to fasten yourself to your suitcase."
Enjoy Liong Air !!
ini terjemahannya dari Om Google
"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain speaking.
Welcoming both seated and standing passengers on board of Liong Air.
We apologize for the four-day delay in taking off, it was due to bad weather and some overtime I had to put in at the bakery.
This is flight 717 to Yogyakarta . Landing there is not guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in Central Java . And, if luck is in our favor, we may even be landing on your village!
Liong Air has an excellent safety-record. In fact, our safety standards are so high, that even terrorists are afraid to fly with us!
It is with pleasure; I announce that, starting this year, over 30% of our passengers have reached their destination.
If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can arrange to turn them off !
For our not-so-religious passengers, we are the only airline who can help you find out if there really is a God!
We regret to inform you, that today's in-flight movie will not be shown as we forgot to record it from the television.
However, for our movie buffs, we will be flying right next to Garuda Indonesia Airways, where their movie will be visible from the right side of the cabin window.
There is no smoking allowed in this airplane. Any smoke you see in the cabin is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to slow down!
In order to catch important landmarks, we try to fly as close as possible for the best view. If however, we go a little too close, do let us know.
Our enthusiastic co-pilot sometimes flies right through the landmark!
Kindly be seated, keep your seat in an upright position for take-off and fasten your seat-belt. For those of you who can't find a seat-belt, kindly fasten your own belt to the arm of your seat. And, for those of you who can't find a seat, do not hesitate to get in touch with a stewardess who will explain how to fasten yourself to your suitcase."
Enjoy Liong Air !!
ini terjemahannya dari Om Google
Liong AIR
"Selamat pagi, Ladies and Gentlemen. Ini adalah kapten Anda berbicara.
Menyambut baik penumpang duduk dan berdiri di naik Air Liong.
Kami mohon maaf atas keterlambatan empat hari di lepas landas, itu karena cuaca buruk dan beberapa lembur saya harus dimasukkan ke dalam di toko roti.
Ini adalah penerbangan 717 ke Yogyakarta. Landing ada tidak dijamin, tapi kami akan berakhir di suatu tempat di Jawa Tengah. Dan, jika keberuntungan dalam kebaikan kita, kita bahkan mungkin mendarat di desa anda!
Liong Air memiliki safety record-baik. Bahkan, standar keselamatan kami begitu tinggi, bahkan teroris takut untuk terbang bersama kami!
Hal ini dengan senang hati, saya mengumumkan bahwa, mulai tahun ini, lebih dari 30% dari penumpang kami telah mencapai tujuan mereka.
Jika mesin kami terlalu berisik untuk Anda, berdasarkan permintaan penumpang, kita bisa mengatur untuk mematikannya!
Untuk penumpang kami tidak begitu religius, kita adalah satu-satunya maskapai yang dapat membantu Anda mengetahui apakah memang ada Allah!
Kami menyesal untuk memberitahu Anda, dalam penerbangan film yang saat ini tidak akan ditampilkan seperti kita lupa untuk merekam itu dari televisi.
Namun, bagi penggemar film kami, kami akan terbang tepat di samping Garuda Airways Indonesia, di mana film mereka akan terlihat dari sisi kanan jendela kabin.
Tidak ada merokok diizinkan di pesawat ini. Setiap asap yang Anda lihat dalam kabin hanya sistem peringatan dini pada mesin memberitahu kita untuk memperlambat!
Dalam rangka untuk menangkap landmark penting, kami mencoba untuk terbang sedekat mungkin untuk tampilan terbaik. Namun, jika kita pergi sedikit terlalu dekat, jangan biarkan kami tahu.
Antusias kami co-pilot kadang terbang menembus tengara!
Mohon duduk, tetap duduk Anda dalam posisi tegak untuk lepas landas dan kencangkan sabuk pengaman Anda. Bagi Anda yang tidak bisa menemukan sabuk pengaman, silakan kencangkan sabuk Anda sendiri ke lengan kursi Anda. Dan, bagi anda yang tidak dapat menemukan tempat duduk, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi dengan pramugari yang akan menjelaskan bagaimana untuk mengikat diri untuk koper Anda. "
Nikmati Air Liong!!