666 dalam kekristenan diidentikan dng angka iblis/setan, sebagaimana disebut pada The Book of Revelation, chapter 13:18. Bunyi komplitnya ini cuiii :
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
Yang dituntut di sini ialah kebijaksanaan. Sesiapa yang mengerti, kirakanlah angka binatang itu, kerana angka itu angka seorang manusia, dan angka itu 666.
Kayaknya bhs inggris dan bahasa indonesia aja ga cukup, gua harus liat teks2 awal utk perbandingan. Menurut wiki bahasa original alkitabiah awal-awal adalah Ibrani, Aram, dan Yunani Koine (yunani kuno). Old testament ditulis dlm Ibrani dan Aram; sementara New Testament tertua yg masih ada saat ini ditulis dalam bahasa Yunani Koine.
Lalu temen TS ini unik, dia ga nulis angka iblis dalam 666 tetapi 600 60 6. Keliatannya sama ya, tapi ternyata beda. Rupanya setelah nanya mba gugel yg mesum, di New Testament yunani kuno pada abad ke 3 (teks awal) emang ditulisnya bukan 666 melainkan 600 60 6 (temen ts bener di sini). Baru belakangan diubah menjadi 666 : ἑξακόσια ἑξήκοντα ἕξ - bukan lagi 600 60 6 : χξς. Yg mau liat
klik ini cuiii. Singkatnya terjadi perubahan penterjemahan terhadap Revelation 13:18.
Note :
maaf gua tulis dlm bhs inggris krn kesimpulan analisa 666 sgt kontroversial bagi agama tertentu. Tp klo paham bhs inggris ya maap jng emosi ya. Bisa aja analisa gua salah.
According to the earliest New Testament in Koine Greek, 666 was written as three Greek numbers χξς (Chi, Xi, Sigma). Chi equal to 600, Xi equal to 60, Sigma equal to 6. Ever since 1881 bible no longer printed revelation 13:18 in χξς (600 60 6) but ἑξακόσια ἑξήκοντα ἕξ (666). Why was that? Lets take a look.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," thats the contents of Rev 1:8, guess what bro?? Alpha is the first letter of Greek alphabet while the Omega is the last. Then i just got an idea, why dont I decode 600 60 6 from Greek language? Furthermore, Greek is the original New Testament language tho!
Please kindly open this page for
greek numerals, and this page for
greek alphabets. Take a look at numerals page for 600 60 6. Then jump straightly to alphabets page and take a look the 22nd, 14th, and 18th letter of greek alphabet. Both numerals and alphabets are share the same symbol, isnt it?
According to Webster’s new 20th Century Dictionary, these are how to pronounced each letter in english. 22nd letter or χ is pronounced as "ch". 14th letter or ξ is pronounced as "xi/zī => z" (deep x). 18th letter or ς is pronounced as "s".
Now im gonna break it down bro. 600 60 6 ==> χξς ==> Ch, Z, S. This one could be mind blowing. Fasten your seatbelt, dont get mad. You might wanna read that letter (Ch, Z, S) faster. What would you find out? Yup Ch-Z-S would pronounce Jesus!!! 600 60 6 ==> χξς ==> Ch, Z, S* ==> Jesus!!! Im shock at this point, for freakin sure bro! (* Bacanya pake logat inggeris secara cepat)
Pardon me to either Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian follower here (or any other sects that devote Jesus as a son of god), however thats the meaning of the code. Btw this TS is Christian, no wonder your friend has been told you this
600-60-6 ada didekat kalian sangat dekat bahkan sangat dekat dan kalian bisa liat 600-60-6 tapi kalian ga sadar
To strengthen the argument, 600 60 6 are truly Jesus, you might wanna take a look Rev 14 : 9-11. Your friend is Jewish, yeah no wonder he said this too
Anak Haram si anak pelacur yang menipu segala bangsa 600-60-6