nube ijin menjawab sesuai pemikiran nubie, bagi yg ga sependapat bagiku itu hal wajar dan udh terbiasa..
1. Apa itu Manusia :Mahluk hidup yg paling sempurna dibandingkan CiptaanNYA yg lain, dan di berikan nama Manusia
karena TS minta jwaban yg simple, maka itulah jawaban ane yg simple..
itu sebabnya knp semprot bikin room husus kaya gini,dulu ngobrol kaya gini harus k tengah laut,tujuan awal kan untuk sharing+nambah pengetahuan individu,harusnya masing masing ud tau ruang terbuka ini yg dibikin,bukan untuk ego,tapi blajar,apalagi bahasannya sensitive,kalau masih pake ego untuk apa sharing?bikin aja thread ego,maaf nih kalo sotoy,yg ane tau org berilmu yg merunduk karena dia tau dirinya ga akan berenti blajar sampe ahir hayat.
3.untuk apa manusia dilahirkan = untuk menyembah dan beribadat Kepada Sang Pencipta,yg telah menciptakannya dr segumpal tanah.
Cuma itu yg bisa ane sampaikan.., jng dihina or dihujat klu ane salah dlm pemikiran ane tentang manusia
Peace n Love from Human Being
I feel attracted to come here might be because of there are bule here! Haha! Rather it become OOT I'll try to answer the topic 1st.
1. Apa manusia itu?
Humans belong to the group of conscious beings that are carbon-based, solar system dependent, limited in knowledge, prone to error, and mortal.
2. Siapa manusia itu?
As it stands then, the creature we call human embodies all of these mentioned characteristics(level of rationality, self-consciousness, awareness, or capacity to feel, morality), along with having a cognitive capacity to exercise the intellect, will, and spirituality it is endowed.
3. Untuk apa manusia dilahirkan?
For some people consider they were born for the sake of eating, some for the sake of sensuality, and some for the sake of name and fame. But some other people have another higher way of thinking about "humans born for what?" And they thinking is Compounding is utter misery, Nirvana is highest bliss.
4. Siapakah jatidiri yang sejati dari manusia?
Hmm.. a spirit having a human experience not a human having a spiritual experience. How if I answer with that statement? True or false I dont know it yet.
5. Mengapa sampai saat ini kita masih hidup?
Haha.. why we were still exist? How if I say -->> [size=+2]LIFE IS POINTLESS[/size],Everything you do, every objective you attempt to accomplish, absolutely everything you do in life will mean nothing when you die. This is the joke of life. You spend your entire life setting all of these arbitrary goals and objectives to achieve, and yet it means nothing. So, in conclusion why we are still exist is, we just survive to survive without we knows what is the point of our life? We still exist because we are afraid to be not existed.. 😆😆
Bisa ditranslate gk ombul ??Gini nih klo pake ilmu pasti (exact science),, singkat padat jelas tidak melebih-lebihkan atau pun kekurangan,, haizzz aja dah
Idem pertanyaannya smaa ombulYoi salam Peace love and gaul suhu roni Ane nggak bakal ngehina atau menghujat, karena semua pemikiran harus diapresiasikan? Dan ada mod yang bakal patroli juga Cuman pengen tanya aja nih suhu, pengembangan dasar pemikiran suhu.Kalau semua manusia memang diciptakan untuk menyembah Tuhan kok gak ada ya di kode genetis atau insting alamiah kita terhadap siapa itu Tuhan, well memang ada insting untuk mencari siapa pencipta kita namun itu masih sangat general dan tidak kuat,,Dan jika memang itu tujuan kita terlahir berarti udah sebagian besar manusia mengingkari kodrat lahiriah nya ya suhu?
Gini nih klo pake ilmu pasti (exact science),, singkat padat jelas tidak melebih-lebihkan atau pun kekurangan,, haizzz
aja dah
I feel attracted to come here might be because of there are bule here! Haha! Rather it become OOT I'll try to answer the topic 1st.
1. Apa manusia itu?
Humans belong to the group of conscious beings that are carbon-based, solar system dependent, limited in knowledge, prone to error, and mortal.
2. Siapa manusia itu?
As it stands then, the creature we call ¡°human¡± embodies all of these mentioned characteristics(level of rationality, self-consciousness, awareness, or capacity to feel, morality), along with having a cognitive capacity to exercise the intellect, will, and spirituality it is endowed.
3. Untuk apa manusia dilahirkan?
For some people consider they were born for the sake of eating, some for the sake of sensuality, and some for the sake of name and fame. But some other people have another higher way of thinking about "humans born for what?" And they thinking is Compounding is utter misery, Nirvana is highest bliss.
4. Siapakah jatidiri yang sejati dari manusia?
Hmm.. a spirit having a human experience not a human having a spiritual experience. How if I answer with that statement? True or false I dont know it yet.
5. Mengapa sampai saat ini kita masih hidup?
Haha.. why we were still exist? How if I say -->> [size= 2]LIFE IS POINTLESS[/size],Everything you do, every objective you attempt to accomplish, absolutely everything you do in life will mean nothing when you die. This is the joke of life. You spend your entire life setting all of these arbitrary goals and objectives to achieve, and yet it means nothing. So, in conclusion why we are still exist is, we just survive to survive without we knows what is the point of our life? We still exist because we are afraid to be not existed..
keren ben
ben usul yak
kalau bisa jangan make bahasa inggris
karna banyak yang ga tau
jawaban u itu keren
Yoi salam Peace love and gaul suhu roni
Ane nggak bakal ngehina atau menghujat, karena semua pemikiran harus diapresiasikan? Dan ada mod yang bakal patroli juga
Cuman pengen tanya aja nih suhu, pengembangan dasar pemikiran suhu.
Kalau semua manusia memang diciptakan untuk menyembah Tuhan kok gak ada ya di kode genetis atau insting alamiah kita terhadap siapa itu Tuhan, well memang ada insting untuk mencari siapa pencipta kita namun itu masih sangat general dan tidak kuat,,
Dan jika memang itu tujuan kita terlahir berarti udah sebagian besar manusia mengingkari kodrat lahiriah nya ya suhu?
Ombul.memperkuat pernyataan om DS.. ane rasa tahapan sempurna karena manusia memiliki apa yg tidak dimiliki makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang lain... maksudnya dari segi akal, rasa, nafsu, dll ... itu sih yg ane tanggap...
keren ben
ben usul yak
kalau bisa jangan make bahasa inggris
karna banyak yang ga tau
jawaban u itu keren